Our closest Safe Haven is now operating in Brookvale.
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A mental health resource for friends of young people at risk. We offer practical resources and key information about what to do when a friend may be expressing thoughts of suicide.
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Throughout their open, honest and candid conversation, India and Julie explore the guilt, shame and stigma surrounding suicide, including how finding the right support and sharing their experiences helped combat their feelings of isolation. Brought to you by the Mental Health Professionals Network.
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Brought to you by the Mental Health Professionals Network. In this episode, lived-experience practitioners Jesse Sheers, India Guerrieri and Julie Rickard speak about the importance of breaking the silence and stigma around suicide.
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This program offers free and confidential support for young people who are experiencing an early episode of psychosis or are at risk of developing psychosis.
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COPMI developed information for children, young people, parents, and their family and friends about parents and parenting with a mental illness to support the wellbeing of children and young people. Access reliable information for kids and young people, helping the child, helping the parent, information for grandparents, professional development and more.
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Mental health young carers are children, teens and young people who are 25 years old or younger who provide support to a family member, partner or friend who is living with a mental health condition. See this page for resources, tips, strategies, apps and support services.
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Awesome parenting programs and resources. To help parents experience personal peace and to feel good about themselves – to teach them to be able to accept the ups and downs of life and cope with the challenges that we face. For parents to be able to pass these life skills onto their children.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Square tile for your socials. Don’t forget to tag us!
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Print out and fill in your own local information.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Print out and fill in your own local information.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide. Square tile for your socials. Don’t forget to tag us!
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide.
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From the Good Mourning Grief Podcast series. In today’s episode, we share a raw and honest conversation with TikTok creator, Gwen Dudley. Gwen’s partner died from a fentanyl overdose. Gwen shares how we can all be better at understanding the connection behind past trauma, mental health, and addiction, as well as coping with addiction loss.

Young Blood – Men’s Mental Health is an award-winning podcast on a mission to make the mental health of young men a top priority…

ReachOut’s whole-school approach to student wellbeing. Engaging activities for students. Credible, flexible resources for teachers. Practical support for parents and carers.
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Prevention United is a new national charity with big ambitions. We’re different. Unlike other mental health organisations in Australia, we have an exclusive focus on promoting mental wellbeing and preventing mental health conditions – across the entire spectrum of conditions.
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Online and phone counselling, mental health intervention and support services.
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Nate Byrne suffered his first panic attack while reading the weather live on air. He writes his story here. Stories like this help to normalise it for our young people going through the same thing.
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An interview with Gus Worland, Founder of Gotcha4life and radio personality. Listen here for a frank, open and honest discussion about what young people and their parents can be doing to reduce youth suicide numbers.

Anxiety – from young people’s perspective. This episode explores very personal views on what anxiety really feels like, physically and emotionally, triggers for causing anxiety and how young people want others to address anxiety. How should we be responding?

Kristina and Luka open up to each other about his mental health and drug and alcohol addiction struggles. Hope and humour.
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When kids, usually teens, can’t stop picking at skin or cuticles.
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Does someone you know have suicidal thoughts? We suggest you send regular texts OR start a WhatsApp Group of supportive people using our suggested texts. Tools for you to help if you don’t know how.
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Podcast with leading experts, important issues, practical advice on anything and everything to do with the mental health and wellbeing of young people – hosted by Andrew Fuller

Let’s change how the world perceives mental health. Tune in, read, learn, get help, stats etc.
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My Mirror is an online stepped care psychology service to support all Australians. When you want. Where you want. A streamlined booking process. There are psychologists with same day availability.
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On this episode of No Filter, Penny Moodie speaks very candidly, and vulnerably, about her experience with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Relationship OCD.

So OCD is a resource for anyone to learn more about OCD—what it is, and how to get help to manage it. Full of tips, information, resources, treatment options etc.
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Help for young people (over the age of 16) and adults in the Northern Sydney area who are experiencing mental illness.
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There are many ways we can support you in your mental health and wellbeing, and to help you navigate life’s challenges. Choose the support pathway that works best for you.
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We believe that all young people deserve to grow into adulthood with optimal mental health. Everything we do is focused on that outcome. We advocate. We make sure that policy makers understand the need and cost of mental ill-health in young people. We educate. We use our research and evidence-based practice to develop innovative training programs and resources.
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We are a grassroots movement of Australians who want a healthcare system where anyone with a mental illness gets the care they need, when they need it. Join us and help us change the system.
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If you hear voices, you are not alone. Studies show that around 5-15% of people will hear voices at some point in their lives. The videos, worksheets and resources on this page will help you to explore and learn about your voice hearing experiences.
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Comprehensive service for young people aged 18-24 years, who have experienced a recent onset of psychosis. The service includes counselling, review of medication, psychological interventions, group programs and family education. Services offered for up to two years and then referral to appropriate services if necessary.
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We work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, health professionals and partner organisations across NSW to support good mental health. Multilingual resources, health professionals, shared stories, lived experience, suicide prevention etc.
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Embrace provides a national platform for Australian mental health services and multicultural communities to access resources, services and information in a culturally accessible format. Mountains of knowledge, resources, personal stories, multilingual information, service providers, community information and more.
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Links to mental health information in languages other than English.
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Mental Health First Aid Australia provided this resource for carers. Warning signs, risks, how to approach someone you’re worried about, things to avoid, getting professional help, how can I be supportive? etc
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Support for eating disorders and body image issues. Includes educational resources, staff professional development, parent seminars, presentations for young people, workshops for youth workers, coaching and support staff workshops. We believe everyone’s experience of an eating disorder or body image issue is unique and access to effective services is essential.
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Learn about what discrimination is, how the law protects you, and what your rights are if you experience discrimination. If you’ve experienced discrimination in New South Wales, you can lodge a complaint with us. Our services are free.
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A blog from Michelle Mitchell – ex teacher, writer, speaker on all things adolescence. How to Talk to a Teen About Counselling: Ideas That Could Make All the Difference.
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Give your students skills to support their Mental Health. Engage your students using peer voices, with easy to run video-based lessons created by Clinical Psychologists & Educators.
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Knowledge is Power. Headspace is a place to go to arm yourself and your kids with knowledge about substances they may be using or at least will have the opportunity to use at some point during their adolescence.
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We all need to hear this from comedian Kristina Kuzmic…”If the timeline that you have set for yourself, or the world has set for you does not work out, that’s okay. Prioritise your mental health and be so proud of your achievements whenever they come.” Go to resource for a bit more of the story….
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Yarn Safe was the first youth led national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health campaign of its kind. It was developed with the help of 12 incredible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from across Australia, who have continued to be involved in the campaign development.
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iBobbly is Australia’s first wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aged 15 years and over to manage sad and worrying thoughts. Developed by the Black Dog Institute in partnership with Indigenous communities members from the Kimberley, WA.
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