The Beaches Clinic (TBC) is a free, confidential walk in clinic service for young people 16-29yrs. We offer free asymptomatic sexual health testing services. No appointment is required.
Open Thursdays 11am – 6pm.
612-624 Pittwater Rd. Brookvale Community Health Centre, opposite Warringah Mall.
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Be armed with the FACTS. Know your health, NSW law on abortion, unplanned pregnancy, working through your options etc.
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Family Planning NSW recognises the need to promote and protect the reproductive and sexual health and rights of people with disability. We advocate for people with disability to have equity of access to reproductive and sexual health services. See this resource for numerous helpful factsheets.
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Incredibly informative Australian podcast about online sexual content…SEXTING. How the different generations perceive it and what we can do to reduce harm in a world where it is normalised for our young people.
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Reliable information about sex, relationships, consent, STIs, where to get free condoms and more. Blog, forum, ask a nurse a question etc….
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This webinar aims to equip parents with the tools and knowledge to have age-appropriate conversations with their children about sex. This workshop is for parents who have children at any age, as we will be exploring appropriate education for younger children all the way up to teenagers.
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Sex Positive Families provides the education and resources that help families raise sexually healthy children.
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We’re here to help sexuality and gender diverse people take control of their sexual health by providing information, workshops, a range of support services and distributing hundreds of thousands of condoms every year throughout NSW.
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A must watch clip that explains consent perfectly in less than 3 minutes.
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1300 658 886 Monday – Friday: 8am – 8pm
Family Planning NSW Talkline provides free and confidential information, advice and options across a wide range of reproductive and sexual health issues. Our experienced nurses are available to answer such questions in a friendly, empathetic and supportive manner.

Family Planning NSW is the leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for schools teachers.
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Family Planning NSW is a leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for people working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including young people from those groups.
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Family Planning NSW is the leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for disability workers.
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Family Planning NSW is a leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for youth workers and people working with young people.
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One-Stop Integrated Sexual Health Clinic in Chatswood for all your sexual and reproductive health needs and concerns.
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Located in Herbert St, St Leonards. A free and confidential service for the assessment and management of sexually transmissible infections (STIs), including screening and treatment for STIs. The clinic provides specialist sexual health Medical, Nursing and Counselling Services.
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