Responding to Pornography Exposure: A Guide for Concerned Parents
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They sent a Nude: Thoughts to Prevent, Understand and Respond to Sexting.
Sensible and practical advice as usual from Michelle Mitchell, the “teenage expert”.
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Podcast brought to you by Parental As Anything – Teens. Bec Sparrow hosts a practical look into nudes, sexting, consent, boundaries, rights, legalities and all the things.
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Website full of information and fact sheets on sexting, grooming, cyberbullying etc. Known as the cyber cop, Susan McLean was in the Victorian police force for 27 years and appointed to a position involving cyber safety and young people.
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It’s Time We Talked is an Australian violence prevention project that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector to understand and address the influence of pornography.
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For parents, schools and professionals. We help gamers and their families find a healthier relationship with gaming.
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How to keep kids safe on YouTube in 2023, best parental controls…and more.
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Empowering parents to protect their kids and hold social media companies accountable. See what’s going on in the US with lawsuits against social media companies. This website is also full of resources eg social media guides for parents, how to identify harmful effects of social media use, text slang and emoji dictionary, the effects of cyberbullying, mental health etc etc
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In this episode Dr. Kath Albury and SHV Health Promotion Officer Zara, discuss the language and context of young people sharing sexual pictures.
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Discovering the Impact of Pornography. Aimed at middle school. With 78% of young people seeing pornography by the time they are 12 years old, this topic is one which we can’t afford to leave unaddressed. This presentation tastefully addresses the topic of pornography with a focus on soft pornography and wise choices online.
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Incredibly informative Australian podcast about online sexual content…SEXTING. How the different generations perceive it and what we can do to reduce harm in a world where it is normalised for our young people.
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DiGii Social provides a safe and secure social networking platform which educates and prepares children for their digital life.
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Based in Warriewood on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, Leonie Smith, owner of Digital Families Counselling is an Australian Family Counsellor who helps with eSafety, digital wellness and screen time balance.
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Child exploitation. Should you feel that you and your family require support during this time, the following services can provide you with practical, non-judgmental information, advice, confidential peer support and counselling.
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Online child sexual exploitation. Get armed with info and learn how to report suspicious behaviour online.
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Common grooming tactics used by child sex predators.
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Why teens don’t block and report cyber bullying – and what parents can do.
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We’re a purpose-driven organisation, aiming to keep as many people across the world safe online through education and empowerment.
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Helping Australians have safer and more positive experiences online. Learn everything about eSafety, cyber bullying, cyber abuse and HOW TO REPORT IT.
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This webinar aims to equip parents with the tools and knowledge to have age-appropriate conversations with their children about sex. This workshop is for parents who have children at any age, as we will be exploring appropriate education for younger children all the way up to teenagers.
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We’re redefining ‘the talk’. It’s time to have The Porn Conversation at home. Parents and trusted adults, if you are ready to have The Porn Conversation but have no clue what to say, here are three age-appropriate guides to help.
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As parents and caring adults, we’re charged with keeping the children in our world safe. Safe as they navigate their day-to-day world, which also includes digital spaces. How do we do that in the age of online porn?
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Creating an open dialogue about online porn, early and ongoing, with young people can safeguard them from unsafe situations.
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As much as we’d like to try, the research suggests that our children will see pornography at some stage. Rather than spend all our energy trying to stop this from happening, we need to equip our children with the values and knowledge that allows them to appropriately manage and make sense of the experience.
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COVID has denied us access to our adolescent rites of passage — first kisses, first dates, parties and the pub. The chance to socialise and explore our identities. COVID had a huge impact on porn use worldwide.
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