Our closest Safe Haven is now operating in Brookvale.
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A mental health resource for friends of young people at risk. We offer practical resources and key information about what to do when a friend may be expressing thoughts of suicide.
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Throughout their open, honest and candid conversation, India and Julie explore the guilt, shame and stigma surrounding suicide, including how finding the right support and sharing their experiences helped combat their feelings of isolation. Brought to you by the Mental Health Professionals Network.
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Brought to you by the Mental Health Professionals Network. In this episode, lived-experience practitioners Jesse Sheers, India Guerrieri and Julie Rickard speak about the importance of breaking the silence and stigma around suicide.
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Free and local. A lived experience organisation providing resources on suicide, grief and prevention as well as local Northern Beaches peer CARE companions. Support in our local community for people who are caring for a suicidal family member, have survived an attempt or lost a loved one to suicide.
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24/7 support phone 1800 805 801
Indigenous suicide postvention service.
We provide emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.
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A helpful resource for supporting your teen through the impact of suicide. To be used alongside the My Grief Journal for Grieving Teens.
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Help seeking activities and ways to talk about feelings after a suicide.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Square tile for your socials. Don’t forget to tag us!
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Print out and fill in your own local information.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person is in danger of suicide. Print out and fill in your own local information.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide. Square tile for your socials. Don’t forget to tag us!
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide.
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Click below for step by step action when a young person on the Northern Beaches is in danger of suicide.
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As a parent, it’s frightening to hear your child talk about suicide and it can be difficult to know how to help.
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StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide. StandBy is accessible 24/7 providing free face-to face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each individual.
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Our Suicide Bereavement Group is open to any adult who has experienced the loss of someone through suicide. It is an open group, facilitated by trained, experienced and accredited Face-To-Face Counsellors.
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Call 1300 659 467
Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service providing 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people affected by suicide.

Suitable for 12-18 years
Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts: teenagers

Twenty10’s suicide awareness and intervention training program.
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Why we need to get comfortable talking to our kids about suicide.
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The Beyond Now suicide safety planning app helps you stay safe if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, feelings, distress or crisis.
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By learning the warning signs, anyone can help to prevent suicide by following this advice.
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An interview with Gus Worland, Founder of Gotcha4life and radio personality. Listen here for a frank, open and honest discussion about what young people and their parents can be doing to reduce youth suicide numbers.

Does someone you know have suicidal thoughts? We suggest you send regular texts OR start a WhatsApp Group of supportive people using our suggested texts. Tools for you to help if you don’t know how.
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Beyond Blue among many think it’s important that people understand the impact of words when it comes to mental health, and the role we can all play in reducing stigma. Why we no longer say ‘commit suicide.’
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Supporting a person who is suicidal, has attempted suicide, or is bereaved by suicide, can generate a broad range of feelings. It’s all about trying to find the right balance for you – balancing how much you can offer others while also looking after your own needs.
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Camps, programs and tons of resources for kids aged 7 – 17 who have lost a loved one to suicide.
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A variety of free camps to help kids aged 7 – 17 heal after the suicide of a loved one.
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