Youth Housing 17 – 24 years. Outreach, casework, youth housing and family services.
Ph: 02 8976 1777
Email: burdekin.admin@burdekin.org.au
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52 Raglan St, Manly, NSW, 2095
Ph: 02 9977 1066
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Youth >25 homelessness support and case management in partnership with Taldumande Youth Services – Servicing Northern Beaches
Level 1, 1 Coronation Street Hornsby NSW 2077
Ph: 02 9480 2500
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Crisis Accommodation Phone Line
1800 152 152
A statewide telephone service providing information, assessment and referral to specialist homelessness services, temporary accommodation and other appropriate services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Family Restoration and Preservation – Crisis Accommodation – Transitional Accommodation – Justice Programs
Young offenders, bail assistance. Supporting young people aged 12-24
Level 2, 38-40 Chandos Street, St Leonards 2065
Ph: 02 9460 3777
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Counselling at Twenty10 provides an opportunity for you to talk about what’s going on in your life in a safe environment.
Our counselling service is free, and you do not need a referral or Medicare card to qualify. Twenty10 can assist with referrals to counsellors closer to home if needed.
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