Ability Options is one of the largest disability and employment service providers in New South Wales. We support people from all walks of life to live their life. Includes NDIS employment assistance.
Go to WebsiteBlue Knot Helpline and Redress Support Service 1300 657 380
National Counselling and Referral Service – Disability 1800 421 468
Information and support for people living with the effects of abuse, neglect, or violence and their support network. There are also bi-lingual counsellors and a disability counselling and referral service.
Go To WebsiteJigsaw is a social enterprise that trains and transitions people with disability into award wage employment. Located in Frenchs Forest
Ph: 1300 166 734
Go To WebsiteA small, family run business creating individualised support for NDIS plan-managed, self-managed and privately funded individuals. Includes counselling, mentoring, transport, education and employment, fitness and wellness, and general support work.
Go to WebsiteOmnia Inclusive is one of Australia’s leading diversity recruitment partners and youth NDIS specialists with 26 locations across NSW and QLD, including Dee Why. We believe every person is valuable and deserves the rich opportunities life has to offer.
Go To WebsiteProveda has always worked to support people with disability to get the most out of life. As an independent provider of information, advice and guidance, our work is focused on removing barriers to participation, creating opportunities and linking people to entitlements and services.
Go To WebsiteSupported independent living in Frenchs Forest. Day programs at Warringah Mall. Supported school holiday programs and other services.
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