The Child Development Clinic is a Developmental Paediatric clinic in Sydney CBD providing comprehensive assessment, diagnosis and management of developmental, learning and behavioural difficulties. We specialise in assessing and managing ADHD, anxiety, specific learning disorders, intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, behaviour and conduct disorders, mood disorders and emotional concerns.
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Psychology/Psychiatry/Eating Disorders/Paediatric/Family Therapy/Dietician
Suite 19
19-23 Norton Street
Leichhardt NSW 2040
Ph: 02 9518 1191
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The Berry Street Clinic in North Sydney, is a paediatric and adolescent health clinic that provides comprehensive medical, developmental, behavioural and mental health assessments and ongoing care for children, teenagers and their families.
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Psychology/Psychotherapy/Paediatric/Dietician/Social Work/Eating Disorders
3/16 & 18 Vernon St
Woollahra NSW
Ph: 0448 634 700
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