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The MPGS for NSW is a state-wide service that assists problem gamblers from culturally and linguistically diverse communities living in NSW and their families by providing quality and accessible counselling, treatment and support services, including free phone counselling in a preferred language.
Go to ResourceFamily Planning NSW is a leading provider of reproductive and sexual health education for people working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including young people from those groups.
Go to ResourceWe work with people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, health professionals and partner organisations across NSW to support good mental health. Multilingual resources, health professionals, shared stories, lived experience, suicide prevention etc.
Go to ResourceEmbrace provides a national platform for Australian mental health services and multicultural communities to access resources, services and information in a culturally accessible format. Mountains of knowledge, resources, personal stories, multilingual information, service providers, community information and more.
Go to ResourceLinks to mental health information in languages other than English.
Go to ResourceWe know that a range of factors can make it harder for people in some communities to seek and access support for their mental health. Visit Beyond Blue for resources.
Go to ResourceSydney Queer Muslims is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing social support, education and resources to individuals and families in NSW. The organisation is made up from a diverse range of volunteers, all united by the same faith. We aspire to support and advocate for people of diverse sexualities , genders and intersex status to reconcile their sexual identity with their faith.
Go to ResourceLearn about what discrimination is, how the law protects you, and what your rights are if you experience discrimination. If you’ve experienced discrimination in New South Wales, you can lodge a complaint with us. Our services are free.
Go to ResourceSTARTTS provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support, and community interventions, to help people and communities heal the scars of torture and refugee trauma and rebuild their lives in Australia. STARTTS also fosters a positive recovery environment through the provision of training to services, advocacy and policy work.
Go to ResourceFeeling stuck between two cultures can create confusion and conflict: your family wants one thing, and you want something totally different. Australia is a multicultural country, so this is a very common situation for young Australians, but there are things you can do about it.
Go to ResourceOur Multicultural Service is a member of NSW Settlement Partnership, designed to assist migrants and refugees with transitioning into life in Australia as easily as possible, particularly in their first five years of settlement.
Go to ResourceThe Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
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